International Workshop
Youth, Creation and Community
Exchange of experiences - debate
May 24th, 2003
Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

For the past two years, the Foundation Jaume Bofill has been promoting a process of joint reflection with regard to projects that use artistic expression as an educative tool with youth at risk of exclusion. The objective is to analyze the range of offers in order to guarantee the quality and continuity of the projects, their accessibility and the participation and interest of youth.

With the goal of defining new proposals, representatives from some of these experiences have met on different occasions during their free time to reflect on the difficulties that they face when implementing projects. On the 25th of May, 2002 a workshop was held at the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris to present some experiences developed inside of Catalonia. The present international meeting falls within the context of this process, and once again the objective is to gain knowledge of interesting experiences and cultural centers addressed to disadvantaged youth in other countries.

We extend our invitation to professionals from non-profit organizations, educational activity centers, community development plans, educational institutions... in order to reflect on the environment surrounding these experiences and the problems that can obstruct valuable work in this area.


- Morning

9:30 a.m. Reception of workshop participants

10:00 a.m. Opening of the workshop and presentation of the network for the exchange of educative experiences and artistic creation with youth in disadvantaged settings.
Xavier Pérez. Coordinator of the workshop and network member.

10:30 a.m. Creative Community Building through Cross-sector Collaboration.
Presentation of a recent map of experiences of collaboration between youth, culture, education and community development in nine European countries.
Jennifer Williams. Centre for Creative Community. Great Britain.

11:15 a.m. Coffee break.

11:45 a.m. Presentation of experiences.

11:45 a.m. Culture & Information Center K@2.
Cultural center from the peripheral neighborhood of Liepaja. The center engages youth by means of radio, television, photographic, multimedia, cinema, video and animation workshops.
Carl Biorsmark. Karosta, Lituà nia

12.30 p.m. Training Program for Youth in Situations of Risk.
Three central ideas - peace, development and culture - focus this project which integrates an art school, a socially-oriented business, and socio-cultural management in a depressed area near Bogotà¡.
Sandra C. Campos. Fundacià³n IMAGO. Ciudad Bolà­var, Colà²mbia

1:15 p.m. Graines de Soleil.
Dramatic arts project which alternates creating and artistic research with work on the streets with youth, immigrant women and others. The project also takes part in cultural exchanges with different places in Morocco and Europe.
Claire Mathaut. Graines de Soleil. Parà­s, França

2:00 p.m. Lunch

- Afternoon:

3:30 p.m. Open debates:

1.- Art and Media for Social Change.
Coordinated by: Carme Mayugo and Carl Biorsmark.

2.- Artistic Creation as a Bridge between Formal Education and Community.
Coordinated by: Marta Ricart and Jennifer Williams.

3.- Youth, Art and Culture for Peace.
Coordinated by Xavier Pérez and Sandra Campos.

4.- Theater for Inclusion.
Coordinated by: Nàºria Esterri and Claire Mathaut.

6:00 p.m. Conclusions

7:00 p.m. Closing performance. Graines de Soleil. Terrain vague.
Unique spectacle of gesture-based theater directed by Khalid Tamer, part of a European tour. The group uses experimentation with gestures and scenic language to cross over to the reality of street children.
With Khalid Benouechen, Julien Favart, Nancy Guyon and Benjamin Boiffer

On Sunday the 25th, this theater group will offer a free workshop for youth in the area.


Ateneu Popular 9 Barris
Portlligat s/n
08042 Barcelona

Registration (free): Form must be sent:

-  và­a web
-  by fax +34 934 588 708
by regular mail to the Foundation Jaume Bofill
Provença, 324

For more information:

Roser Argemà­
00 34 + 934 588 700

Modified on Tuesday 21 April 2009