One word to sum up Artfactories’ news: Transmission. After a meeting the last summer about this topic, we carry on with a new partnership with a Bulgarian artistic team. Invited by the French Insitute of Bulgaria to share our experiences, we will be part of the next IETM meeting.

No transition without transmission!

Workshop: Your own space: Seize it. Run it. Sustain it
Invited by the French Institute of Bulgaria, Artfactories/Autre(s)pARTs will take part in the workshop during the IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting Space for Change.
In Sofia - Bulgaria - 16-19 October

Meeting the Odyssey - An Adventure Beyond-Art, Myths, and Everyday Life in Europe – 2013 - 2017
The first step of this ambitious challenge started this summer, our team was in Opole (Poland) for the first research residency.

+++ Governance of the city and cultural rights - Vol. 1, nàºm. 1 (2014) - Kultur, interdisciplinary review about the culture of the city. In Spanich, English and French

Good reading,
The team of Artfactories/Autre(s)pARTs

Modified on Wednesday 15 October 2014