The Coopérative is not here anymore. The building has been destroyed.

image 200 x 130

Name of the responsible structure : Myrtilles
Type of the structure : association loi 1901
Continent : Europe
Country : France
Adress : 55 rue St Cléophas 34070 Montpellier
Tel : 33(0)4 67 42 44 60
Tel Cie Comme ça : 33 (0)4 67 42 44 60
Contact : "Myrtilles" : Lucille Calmel, Mathias Beyler, Véronique Basile
"Comme ça" : Marc Schmidt/Muriel Piqué


In 1997, the Myrtilles company took up residence in a part of the Montpellier Cooperative Wine Merchants premises and converted this into a place for research and experimentation in hybrid art forms and new technologies, in the shape of apartment buildings, laboratories, and spaces for other in-house or ad-hoc events. Since 1995, Myrtilles has put together theatrical and inter-disciplinary creations and has developed off-site residences, laboratory-workshops, readings, improvisations, performances, and works in progress. The "Comme à‡a" company joined up with Myrtilles in January 2001 with an end to making new statements, new things possible. Comme à‡a was created in 1999 and produces shows, performances, choreographic try-outs and improvisations. It has a special relation with contemporary dramatic authors. It is developing a direct public contact policy.

Former use : Cooperative wine Cellar of Montpellier ( the most important part is inexploited ; only sale of wine and "salle des fêtes") built in 1928 and extended in 1950’s-60’s
Surface of the site : building 5000 m² + green spaces and parking of 4000 m² (myrtilles have 450 m²)
Location : district Mas Drevon, very nearly of the city centre and highways
Foundation year: 1997
Type of occupation : professional lease
Owner of the building : association des Vignerons de Montpellier
Other : center reconverted into Culture in 98, myrtilles.lacooperative wasn’t in accordance with the normes ERP


The main hall and the mezzanine can be allocated equally following to the welcome project whatever the discipline
Mezzanine converted into brief life space or possibility to have inhabitant’s housing
recording studio
rehearsal studio
bar / kitchen/ shower/ toilets
2 offices : 1 belongs to myrtilles and 1 to Comme ça
multimedia room
conference room / debates / symposium
stage of 110 m² + extension 180m² dance / theatre / visual arts / multidisciplinary

Social and artistic disciplines

Contemporary theatre : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Music : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Contemporary dance : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Visual arts : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Circus : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Street performing arts: residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Multimedia : residencies / creation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences

Other structures settled on the site

We don’t overcome the yearly space rental or temporary do by the association des Vignerons de Montpellier

Financial partners

DRAC Languedoc Roussillon (Ministry of Culture / region)
General council of Hérault
City of Montpellier


supported by La Friche la Belle de Mai
Relais Culture Europe
Pépinières européennes des jeunes artistes
Cooperation with others correspondants

Modified on Tuesday 12 May 2009