Video project

These words from inhabitants, artists, researchers, members of ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs or not, testify of their own experiment of the artistic, cultural and social fields in which their places-projects are involved.

Two of the 30 videos realised in french are subtitled in english :

Actors words project - 232U Théâtre de chambre - VOST EN from ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs on Vimeo.

Extract from the interview with Christophe Piret realized the 7th of december 2010 at the 232U Théâtre de chambre, in Aulnoye-Aymerie by Q.Dulieu and JM N’guyen (C.R.I).

Actors words project - L’avant rue - VOST EN from ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs on Vimeo.

Extract from the interview with Sarah Harper, co-director and stage manager, and Pascal Laurent, co-director and actor, realized in L’avant rue in Paris in december 2010 by Q.Dulieu (Af/Ap) and JM Nguyen (C.R.I).

Watch the vidéos in french

Modified on Thursday 24 April 2014