Geographic focus: Norway.
The paramount object of The Freedom of Expression Foundation is to protect and promote freedom of expression and the environment for freedom of expression in a various field of activities, in Norway.
Activities :
Media and Democracy : development of freedom of expression, social consequences.
Information and the Public Debate : access to documentation and comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge (books, documentary films, seminars and conferences).
Art and Culture : support for catalogues, initiatives for exchanging opinions, cross-cultural dialogue in connection with artistic expressions and debate on cultural policy.
Grants : available through university colleges (to students in journalism and media programmes) and universities (to students in media, human rights and social science programmes).
Procedures: the educational institutions themselves announce the grants.
Writing competition on Freedom of Expression : for young people between the ages of 12 and 20 to explore the following topics: literature, art, music, the press, religion, science and policy.
Type of support: prizes (from 5.000 NOK up to 8.000 NOK).
Procedures: deadline for registration in 2004, 15 February 2004.
The Freedom of Expression Prize : awarded in early May each year, accorded to individuals or institutions engaged in Foundation’s activities.
Procedures :
No special application forms for the programs: only application with the main information concerning the project.
Deadline: from the 1st of August to the 1st of November.
Address : The Freedom of Expression Foundation, Oslo
Uranienborgveien 2
N-0258 OSLO
Tel : +47 23 01 46 46
Fax : +47 23 01 46 47
Mail :
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