In January 2010, the conference New Times New Models was held at Trans Europe Halle Member Centre Pekarna Magdalenske Mreze (Maribor, Slovenia) an d organize with the support of ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs.
Moreover Fazette Bordage ( ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs’ member) and Eric Chevance ( ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs’ director) were speakers for the workshop Where do we come from and where are we going?
Now the book, entitled †New Times New Models – Investigating the internal governance models and external relations of independent cultural centres in times of change†has been published and is available on line.
International conference on governance models of independent cultural centres in Maribor, Slovenia, 28/29/30 January 2010.
New Times New Models was an international conference organised by Pekarna (Maribor, Slovenia) in partnership with Trans Europe Halles, ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs, and Institute of the cities (Fance).
The core issue of the conference was how relations can be improved between public authorities, the private sector and independent cultural centres. The NTNM conference has investigate this topic by presenting case studies, speeches by experts and experienced practitioners and working sessions in smaller breakout groups to reach informed conclusions.