Contact image 205 x 161

Name of the responsible structure : Halles de Schaerbeek,
Centre culturel européen de la Communauté française de Belgique
Type of structure : non-profit association registered under Belgium law
Profile of the initiators of the project:
5 people :
3 from an independent theatre venue, 2 from the socio-cultural sector (immigration/community and youth centre)
Continent : Europe
Country : Belgium
Address : 20, rue de la Constitution
1030 Brussels
Tel. : + 32 2 227 59 60
Fax : + 32 2 21942 90
Mail : info@halles.be
Website : www.halles.be
Contact : Fabienne Verstraeten, director

Description image 205 x 135

Les Halles de Schaerbeek promote young, innovative and non commercial artists; actively support projects initiated in partnership with various associations (from the arts, community or humanitarian sector) and welcome some institutional or well-established productions (festivals, drama or dance companies, music agencies...)
This resolutely independent, urban community project transformed the Halles de Schaerbeek into a multipurpose base for community groups, new generations of creative talent and the international arts scene.
It’s a real Aladdin’s cave for young and old alike, with its cinematographic decor, circus ring, opera stage, world culture centre, rock cellar, television studio, theatre loft, tropical bazaar, banqueting hall, community forum, adventure playground...

Former use : district covered-market, called the Marché Couvert Sainte Marie
Architect of the former building: Gustave Hansotte (1865)
Architects who renovated the building: Jean De Salle et Myriam Dubois (Cooparch)
Surface of the site :2.200 m2 (included mezzanine and basement)
Location : city
Foundation year : Founded in 1973 (start of the project), 1977(legal status)
Type of occupation : Free lending contract
Owner of the building : Ministry of Culture (French speaking Community of Belgium)

Infrastructures image 205 x 133

3 Venues :

- Small Halle (Petite Halle): 230 m2, 200 seated or 500 standing; the Small Halle is mainly dedicated to young artists’ performances.

- Big Halle (Grande Halle): 1 660 m2, 2 200 standing or 1.000 seated; the Big Halle is widely open to various disciplines and purposes (concerts, theatre/dance, circus, parties, commercial rental...)

- Basement: 300 m2, 200 seated or 500 standing; the Basement is often a lobby for the Big Halle, a club, a space for parties The three spaces are flexible according to projects, they are used for concerts, performing art, parties, installations or fairs.

- 3 bars: two are fixed (Small Halle and Basement) and one is movable (Big Halle).

Artistic and social disciplines : image 154 x 225

- Music: concerts, festival, cartes blanches

- Dance: performances of contemporary dance companies

- Theatre: support of young companies, bigger performances (festivals, co-productions)

- Circus: support and performances of "new circus", festivals, support to smaller productions or creations

- Community projects: one animator is in charge of relations and partnerships with local associations and schools, there are some projects organised in Les Halles with the co-operation of associations (such as the night against racism, No Race, Just Diversity or le Forum Social et Humanitaire)

- Children’s specific cultural activities: regular programming of performing arts for young audience

Financial support image 237 x 150

Ministry of Culture/French speaking Community of Belgium (ministère de la Culture de la Communauté française de Belgique)
National Lottery (Loterie nationale)
Region of Brussels-Capital (Région de Bruxelles-Capitale)
Schaerbeek district (Commune de Schaerbeek)
Structural sponsor: Interbrew (brewery company)


Modified on Friday 22 June 2007