The Lithuanian Dance Information Centre (see Arts printing house project) organises the International Contemporary Dance Festival "New Baltic Dance 2003" which is going to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on May 5-11. You will find below the concept of the festival You can also download the programme of the festival.
The purposes of the festival are:
· To develop and to promote the art of dance in the Nordic/Baltic area of Europe;
· To establish a common market for dance exchanges among countries of this area, to fortify preconditions for regular Nordic/Baltic and vice versa dance exchanges;
· To foster - via contemporary dance — cultural diversity and development of new forms of artistic expression in the Northern part of Europe;
· Via experience of Nordic/Western contemporary/modern dance communities or independent individuals — to strengthen the status of contemporary/modern dance in the Eastern part of the Baltic sea zone;
· Via inviting experts (journalists, managers, producers, choreographers, teachers etc.) from the rest of the world — to promote and to market dance of the Nordic Europe.
The artistic program of festival has been structured from 3 groups:
1) performances/companies from post soviet countries of the area (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Russia) where contemporary dance has been relatively a new art form without appropriate common conditions (this has been an outcome of soviet times when modern dance forms were even forbidden on this large geographical territory — there are not real systems of financing contemporary dance, no real venues, neither rehearsal, producing premises for contemporary dance etc.),
2) performances/companies from Nordic countries where situation of contemporary dance was a bit similar some 20-30 years ago and were this dance form has developed strongly since then,
3) productions from the rest of the world — from the countries with strong contemporary dance tradition and infrastructure.
For any information :
Lithuanian Dance Information Centre
A.Jaksto g. 9
Vilnius LT-2600
tel./fax +3705 2610805