Name of the responsible structure : flux factory
Type of structure: 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
Profile of the initiators of the project: artist collective and independent gallery
Continent : North America
Country : United States of America
Address/tel/fax :
3838 43rd Street.
Long Island City, NY 11101
tel/fax:1 (718) 707 3362
email: info@fluxfactory.org
Website : www.fluxfactory.org
Contact : Stefany Anne Golberg
Flux Factory Inc. is a 501(c)(3) arts and education non-profit committed to supporting, promoting, and producing innovative arts while fostering growth within our community through creative exchange.
Former use : air conditioning company
Total surface of the site : 7,500 square feet
Architect of the rehabilitation : field lines
Renovation costs of the building : $25,000
Location : city
Foundation year of the centre : 1993, 2002 at current site.
Type of occupation : lease
Owner of the building : Lenny Gardner
Infrastructures / Facilities
Performanc/gallery space: 2000 square feet with some music and theater equipment. Several artist studios from 100 to 350 square feet. Small media lab. Office with several computers. Library with 4000 volumes of mixed interest. Dark room with full black and white facilities
Social and artistic disciplines
Flux factory sponsors performances in music and theater as well as non-traditional performance art. Flux factory puts up shows in its independent gallery several times a year around different themes. We also sponsor events for the local community and have an international residency program.
Other structures/organisations resident on the site
A digital printing press downstairs and a cable installation company.