Since the end of 2015 and throughout the first half of 2016, our association continued its work of common center of reflection, research and action for the development of projects and places that organize their practices and experimentations around new relationships between arts, territories and society. Two workshops were organized, one in Lyon in March around the question of relocation (read the french synthesis in the link below), the other recently in Amiens to deepen intermediation and "intermedialities" notions at work in our project spaces. Committed since its origin in the Coordination Nationale des Lieux Intermédiaires et Indépendants (CNLII), we have actively participated in the 2nd National Forum of intermediaries and independent places on 12 and 13 May in Lyon (more info). ARTfactories was also present at the last meeting of Trans Europe Halles, in Vienna. These various works in progress stay open and we hope to continue their exploration as long as we get to finalize the draft agreement with the Ministry of culture and communication, started now since several months. Nothing is yet definitely decided, in one way or another. But the deadline is approaching as our resources dwindle. We hope to see you in September with good news.