IN-BETWEEN : International Conference-Exhibit on Independent Art Space - Hong Kong- November 2001

This conference was organized by 1aspacefrom from 17/11/2001 to 18/11/2001 in Hong Kong.

More than 20 art organizations from 15 cities delivered a series of presentation. Artistic direction, mode of operation and funding resources were discussed from a perspective of artworkers.

To know more about this conference,please contact :
Unit 14, Block C, Former Cattle Depot Artist Village
63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T (852) 2529 0087
F (852) 2529 0072

The Independent Wedge: A Brief History of Alternative Exhibition Spaces in the United States with Case Studies from New York City
By : Betti-Sue Hertz, Curator of Contemporary Art, San Diego Museum of Art

The Two Phases of Independent Art Space Development in Hong Kong
by CHEUNG Mei, Crystal LAI Project Researchers

Asian Alternative Space - World Alternative City
By: Andrew Lam, Director, Museum of Site

Appendix: Participating Art Groups and Art Workers

Non-profit Exhibition Spaces in Seoul
By : Hyun-mi YOO, Artist / Independent curator, Seoul

Art Scene and Art System
By ZHANG Zhaohui, Independent curator, Beijing

C.A.P. Chronology (as of November 2001)

Kobe City Cultural Policy
By Masahito HATANAKA, Assistant Director, International Division, City of Kobe

Research in Progress: Creative Programming in Alternative Space
By Margaret SHIU TAN , Director, Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei

Seeking Partnership with Government
by CHEUNG Mei Project Researcher

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