Conferences, seminars, meetings
European exchanges - artistic and cultural lands - HETEROTOPIA - Pécs/Budapest/Kosice/Lyon
Exchanges Latin America/Europe on art for social transformation - 2005/2006
IN-BETWEEN : International Conference-Exhibit on Independent Art Space - Hong Kong- November 2001
This conference was organized by 1aspacefrom from 17/11/2001 to 18/11/2001 in Hong Kong.
More than 20 art organizations from 15 cities delivered a series of presentation. Artistic direction, mode of operation and funding resources were discussed from a perspective of artworkers.
To know more about this conference,please contact :
Unit 14, Block C, Former Cattle Depot Artist Village
63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T (852) 2529 0087
F (852) 2529 0072
E Meeting Between Autonomous Cultural Centers - Shanghai
International seminar : New arts arenas - Friche Belle de Mai
International Workshop/Methods/Artfactories-Fondation Pistoletto /27th-29th of January 2006/Bologna, Italy
Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto & Artfactories
organized from the 27th to the 29th of January 2006 the second edition of “Methods – A research project on art-society relationsâ€Seminar for emerging places for culture on the African Continent - Kër Thiossane (Dakar) / May 2004