Contact image 200 x 156

Name of the responsible structure : F�reningen Kulturmejeriet
Type of structure : non-governmental / non-profit organisation
Profile of the initiators of the project : a group of young people from three different music organisations
Continent : Europe
Country : Sweden
Address/tel/fax :
Stora S?à¶dergatan 64
22223 Lund
Tel. : + 46 46 211 13 74
Fax : +46 46 211 01 75
Contact : Contact : Torbjà¶rn Larsson

Description image 200 x 302

Mejeriet is a multicultural venue with an emphasis on music of all kinds. Mejeriet takes a special interest in youth-culture but strives to be a meeting place for all generations both amateur and professional. Mejeriet’s goal is to offer a broad variety of cultural activities and to stimulate creativity.

Former use: dairy
Architect of the renovated building : Ivo Waldh?à¶r
Total surface of the global site: 2.200 m2
Ownership: Town of Lund
Type of occupation: loan negotiation
Location : small city
Foundation year of the centre : 1987


One concert/theatre hall (925 people standing, 450 seated)

Café with a small stage


Rehearsal rooms

Music education spaces

Social and artistic disciplines image 134 x 204

- Visual art
- Music
- Dance
- Theatre
- Circus as a project in autumn 2000
- Multimedia
- Video
- Cinema

- Workshops especially for dance
- Exchange projects with young people interested in hip hop
- Music education
- Rehearsal rooms
- Pedagogic film-shows for schools

Financial support

Town of Lund (66% of budget)
Swedish government
Educational organisation (folkbildning) called ABF (13% of the budget)

21% of own income in budget


Trans Europe Halles

Modified on Friday 29 October 2004